Silent Client

Exclusive Perks with Premium

from 2.48$/month

  • Store Discount 20%
  • Exclusive Nametag Icon
  • Custom Capes
  • Customizable Mod Text
  • Monthly Hat
  • Custom Nametag Message
  • All Premium benefits

from 1.68$/month

  • Store Discount 10%
  • Premium Coins
  • Exclusive Nametag Icon
  • Early Access to Updates
  • Monthly Cape
  • Chroma Bandana

Premium Coins

1 coin = 0.01$
Receive coins for playing and for Premium renewals.
Spend on shopping in our store.


Exclusive Monthly Cape

Receive new exclusive capes every month especially
for Premium subscribers

Only for Premium+

Custom Capes

Create capes with your own unique design!

Exclusive Nametag Icons

Stand out among players with our exclusive
nametag icons for Premium & Premium+ subscribers



Only for Premium+

Custom Nametag Message

Place any text above your head that all players will see!

Your text!


And many other features!

Silent Client


Our Services


SP Akhmedov Muslim Telmanovich
TIN: 052304389440
PSRNSP: 324050000039253

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